If you have a lock on the inside of your front door, leave your keys in it! This way you’ll always see them before leaving the house, and you’ll never accidentally lock yourself out.

Keep the keys in the lock

Another way to give yourself a sense of security and self-reliance is to have some general emergency supplies.

Keep the pantry in full

Get a fire extinguisher and learn how to use it! Even if you already have a fire extinguisher in your home, you might not have thought about actually using it before.

Fire extinguisher

Get an extendable vacuum if you can’t stand dealing with bugs and spiders. A long vacuum cleaner will take care of the problem and you don’t need to get too close.

The spider slayer

Some people will find they start thinking of all the “what if” scenarios and get completely freaked out. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to give yourself a greater feeling of security in your home.

Feeling safe

When you first move into your new place you can change the locks. This way you know you’re the only one who has the keys.

Change the locks

It’s good to have someone who could let themselves in if you had an emergency, or needed them to check on the place when you’re away.

Spare keys

If you are very easily spooked when you hear noises at night, there’s a trick you can use to reassure yourself that no one has broken in.

Danger bells!

It’s wonderful to have an animal companion when you live alone. Cats, for example, are pretty great company, as long as you don’t get in their way.

Get a pet

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